Leather car interior repair & restoration
Damage to the glass case is a standard insurance contract for Casco. We will be glad to replace you spoiled your windshield on a brand new. If you have a contract on vehicle insurance Casco, it will be even free. Almost all of the companies offering car insurance service offer glass replacement service without payment of the amount of “self-responsibility”. In the case of an insured event, you can fill in our questionnaire: here
When you think about the safety of the car in the first place you come to mind brake, engine and tires. Car Windshield, as a rule, is not included in this list.
But the damaged windshield is not less risk than, for example, defective brakes. Faulty windshield can lead to unexpected situations on the road, as well as create an emergency situation. That is why it is very important to maintain the windshield in good condition.
We give 1 year warranty
Benefits leather interior painting
Restoration and painting of leather car interior has a number of advantages:
- All work is carried out as carefully and accurately with the use of modern materials, thus preserving the original texture of the material;
- This service is very convenient, if you are interested in the restoration and painting of individual interior elements such as the armrest or headrest. Paint will keep the color of an object, as the paint color chosen as carefully and fully in line with the original tone interior. As a result, distinguish colored element is virtually impossible;
- Painting the skin does not take much time. Depending on the degree of damage to the passenger compartment to perform a full leather interior painting need no more than 2-3 days. Replacement of the damaged item with a new interior, in turn, would require the car owner not only great financial, but also a waste of time. Even the tailoring of a new leather case takes a minimum of two to three weeks. Needless to labor-intensive and time-consuming procedure of selection of the material that will be most suitable in color and texture to the original.
- Depending on the wishes of the automobile owner can “freshen up” the interior color or bring a sea change in its appearance by selecting a different shade of paint;
- Paint Car – it is economical. The cost of materials is much cheaper than the cost of the waist salon or replace elements with new ones. At the same colored skin will not be inferior in quality and appearance of new elements.
How is the painting?
At the initial stage, the thorough cleaning of the car interior with modern technology, which does not damage the leather elements.
Next, the removal of some of the defects, if necessary, after which the surface of the skin to be degreased to ensure the best adhesion to the material surface.
When the above manipulation carried out, the elements that do not require painting, are protected from exposure to the paint. You can then proceed to the immediate application of a spray material.
The result of the vehicle interior painting:
- Leather surface becomes soft and supple;
- Restored the integrity of the material, its performance;
- Can be eliminated by the deformation of the material, rude skin;
- Paint allows you to restore not only the interior color, but also special effects (gold, silver, mother of pearl).

We are the best in the providing services

With experience of more than 15 years.

Brighter your car is , more attractive it is

Painting and gluing headlamps dubbing tint on lights

Careful work with the use of modern materials

Windshield with high-quality neutralizes the glare of oncoming cars.